Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I'm Here!

Hi guys im here. its freakin weird that im gone. Its a cool but wired feeling at the same time. like is said i saw you guys on the plane. hopefully ill be able to send pic tomorrow on my p day. p days are on thursday. my comp it elder jacobsen. i slept like a baby on the plane. it wasnt even that bad at all but i dont like american airlines. the food was dec. honeslty i feel like im gonna lose some lbs. i had lunch and the food is kinda wired. some stuff isnt bad but im not hungy at all really. i feel like im gonna be out here forever and im already kinda tired during our meeting and stuff but hopefull ill sleep well tonight. my spanish blows. they tested me and i failed hard. i was under presser and couldnt remember anything. everything was pretty chill till i got to the mtc. everything is alittle overwellming but hopefully ill get use to it. i hear other missionarys talk spanish and it makes me depressed cause i know like nothin. learnin this espanol is gonna be tough. thats sweet about lily and the pillow. ( *Insert from mom: Lily wanted to sleep in Dane's bed that night but we eventually talked her into just sleeping with his pillow!) tell everyone hi. i dont really know what to say but ill most likely be able to email you guys tomorrow and hopefully send you the pic but idk cause the mtc is kinda strict about this stuff. this computer times everyone when they get on for 30 min. its kinda like takin the act. you feel stressed to get everything in the letter. love ya guys!! hopefully ill be able to email you tomorrow! Love elder McDermott

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